- Name: Hector Cuevas
- email: hector.cuevas019340@gmail.com
About me:
My name is Hector Cuevas, I recently earned my Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Here is where I document projects (personal and for classes) that showcase skills that I've learned during my undergrad.

This site is seperated into sections as shown:
- CAD and FEA: This section is made up of CAD models, some of which were analyzed using Finite Element Analysis simulations
- Senior Design: This is a year long project that was worked on with a team of five. We utilized a design process to take a product from the conceptual phase to a final physical prototype.
- Python (currently under construction): This is where I upload some programs and scripts that were created in Python.
I appreciate you taking the time to have a look at my page.